Elena Siegel
Elena is a Partner with Kearney in Dubai, a leading global strategy consultancy and a sitting member of the Global Council for Sustainable Development Goal 5. She works with companies and governments across a wide range of industries throughout the world to solve their most critical strategic issues.
World Government Summit 2023
15:40 - 16:15TDRA Hall'23SDGs in Action'23
Global Councils on SDGs: Energy and Innovation
Manish PantExecutive Vice President, International Operations, Schneider ElectricH.E. Dr. Nawal AlHosanyUAE Ambassador and CouncilH.E. Suhail AlMazroueiMinistry of Energy and InfrastructureElena SiegelPartner, Kearney
12:00 - 12:30Masdar HallGender Balance Forum
Public Private Partnerships to Accelerate Gender Parity and Economic Development
Matthew LewisManaging Director, Russell Reynolds AssociatesElena SiegelPartner, KearneySharief FahmyExecutive Director, Kaman CorporationAyesha RobertsonSenior Specialist, Duplicate UAE Gender Balance Council