
Age extension: What if more of us started living to the age of 100 and longer?

10 February 2016

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Science is advancing so fast that living up to 200 could become a welcome possibility – or would it?

“Age extension is big business. Physical and mental enhancements could see us working until we’re 200,” Rohit Talwar, CEO of Fast Future Research, told a captive audience at the 2016 World Government Summit.

“But if you lived until 200, who would want to enter into a 120-year-plus marriage contract? How would we deal with this?” he joked.

On a more serious note, Talwa pondered that if it was normal for only 30-50% of the population to work – due to technology reducing jobs, for instance - how would we finance pensions.

“Our memories would be uploaded to the internet, so how does an elderly wise person contribute to society if we can access the brains of people who are dead?” he asked.

Children would face accelerated learning – requiring problem solving skills rather than traditional subjects – as changing jobs often was more likely.

“How do we shape career aspirations? There will be a fundamental shift in the way we think and behave. Children’s performance already improves with teaching them how to sleep, and daily meditation,” Talwar remarked.